Previously posted on instagram - January 3, 2022:
“Hello all,
I'm writing this post today, because the Lord has put on my heart to share and to try other means to find my daughter (Ava Grace). Under no circumstances am I looking for pity or am I looking for anything other than prayers for my ex(Ava's mom). God has been so good to give me hope and peace through all this. Who this is truly hard on is the children, but I do my best with my son. At the beginning of the "pan-demic", things had gotten beyond workability within co-parenting. I decided for everyone's sake, especially the children that it was time to just let Ava's mom have what she wanted. Read 1 Kings 3:16-28 if you want a story that will give clarity.
I gave up and crawled into a cave. Even though I had given up, the Lord didn't give up on me and Jesus(Yeshua) renewed my faith after 25 years of giving up on Him. I had such a bad taste from religion in my past, but this time it was different it was a spirtual experience that I could not ignore. God(Elohim) renewed my mind and spirit with new understanding in the scripture within His word, praise God! I wanted to share this with everyone, but I needed to learn the fruits of the spirit(Galatians 5:22-23) first and be healed in my mind, soul and heart. Ongoing..
Now know that I always thought I was a “good" person but by God's standards, I was a fornicator, idol worshiper and so on. The beautiful thing is that once the Holy Spirit convicts you, if you confess in Jesus name, God is faithful to forgive and remove the burden from you. With that burden removed you can than be healed and see the Truth and isn't the Truth what we need now more than ever!
A few months after giving space for healing between all in the family I reached out to see my daughter. I escalated to the courts but family had moved to Costa Rica in the process of me filing to start a new life. I tried what I could with communication and legal but with the current situation and international law it is a futile effort, so much for justice, but why be surprised in this world.
The positive is that I believe from reading the scriptures in multiple translations and studying parts in original Hebrew and Greek that we are entering the revealing of Jesus Christ and soon tribulation that reveals all Truth and soon a new world/kingdom. So urge all to seek God in these times and read His word with spiritual eyes, not relying on man as man is not infallible.
The long and the short of this post is; if anyone read this that it blesses them in some healing and also if you could pray for my family, especially Ava's mom that her heart be warmed toward the Truth and that all Truth be revealed and that God's Grace be on her during the process. Also, that a reconnection between me, my daughter and my son happen soon. My daughter should have her father and brother in her life. Please pray for that.
I will be doing videos soon on what I have learnt but I want to be sure it is in God's timing.
Have a great day!”
New* Hopefully one day Ava’s mother will have a change of heart or Ava will be old enough to find this post. I will pray every day in the meantime.
#avagrace #savedbygrace #avadegroot #avamclachlan #simondegroot